Why are children prevented from seeing their grandparents? (Download)
Sunday 29 November 2009
Article: 2,356 chars
Views: 11,082
There are many things in this crazy mixed up world we live in which don't make any sense.
However, none is more absurd than that of severing loving grandparents from our children's lives.
It's bad enough to cut out a parent from a child's life when there's absolutely no need to do so, but to extinguish kind and loving grandparents who have a wealth of love and knowledge to share is must certainly be regarded as a heinous crime of magnitude proportion.
To allow this to happen because of some vindictive or psychologically disturbed parent/s, right through to inadequate systems that are open to abuse is a sad day indeed and another nail in the coffin for Separating families.
To deprive children of generous and caring grandparents who have always been positive in a child's life up until the point of Separation, is possibly one of the greatest harms and crimes inflicted upon both children and grandparents today.
The bottom line is families everywhere are being torn apart, with the trend toward Separation growing at an alarming rate. Many children who suffer the loss of the paternal and maternal grandparents and extended family, are in essence being stripped of their natural rights.
Grandpa and Grandma offer vitally important experiences to their young aiding the child's development in so many ways. This connectivity is part of the natural order of things and must not be interfered with if we are to raise healthy adults for the betterment of society.
Nana and Pop provide enormous support and value to a child's life and families alike, and must be allowed to flourish not hindered, unlike many over the past thirty years who have simply been reduced to nothing more than Mr and Mrs Nobody in the lives of our young and innocent. A demeaning slur upon our fore fathers and mothers I must say, who have made our nation what it is today.
People of Australia and the Westernised world had better start kicking up about these atrocities if there is going to be any chance for our children and future generations to have a healthy, wealthy and enriched lives.
There are serious agendas being played out here and it's obvious they are not in the interests of children and families, or so it seems.
Grandparents have a lot to offer children and should be given every chance.
With love, kindness and peace
For a wonderful website to express and view comments of gratitude visit: www.IamSoGrateful.org
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And a big cheerio to "Gobbler" (so named because of his grotesque turkey wattle) Young, a black robbed terrorist who is in the business of removing children from their grandparents, all the while denying them due legal process. A crook.
Wonder when the civil war will break out? Any clues anyone? Save Gobbler for me, please.