
By Michael Knight

Friday 25 June 2010

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Anything you don't feel excited or energized by whether it be from a person, process, action or thing will lead you down a path of dis-empowerment, not EMPOWERMENT.

Hence, it's a wise move to dump or avoid whatever it is and move on.

A Separation is a time of heartbreak for many where often your reserves of energy and self esteem are low. It's important to be aware of this and place real value upon yourself ensuring you put things of good energy in your life that will keep the midnight fires burning.

You are the king of your castle and the kingdom of heaven so be sure not to let anyone or thing take this away from you, or more accurately, just don't give it away to those undeserving.

If you find your energy is low or depleted fear not, as their is an abundance of energy just waiting for you. Through spending quiet time alone reconnecting with your inner self will you hear and be given guidance from a source that knows no limits, only possibilities. Grounding yourself back with nature is also a calming way to help re-energize just as moments of amusement, laughter, music, singing, dancing, movement, exercise and being grateful content in your own company can all serve you well.

Whilst this may sound easy as it only requires you and nothing else, it will take some will power, commitment and patience to facilitate the recharging process.

So, display some due diligence, put your nose to the grindstone and before you know it your almighty power to do anything you wish will have returned.

With love, kindness and peace

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