The way we were (Download)

By Michael Knight

Tuesday 5 October 2010

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No matter how well prepared or past the pain you think you are, if the other person and relationship really meant anything to you at all, the deep sadness as the two of you part, often forever, can be a harrowing time indeed as your heart lay upon the ground shattered into a thousand pieces. Not always for both, but surely for the one who gave their heart and soul like the moon gives light unconditionally to the many who gaze upon it.

Every relationship always has it's good and bad moments, just as both people are in it for their own reasons and feelings. Sometimes the relationship is smooth sailing but more often than not it has it's bumps and huge gusts of wind from time to time. As the variations of personalities and love is tested, the smooth and silky petals must wrap together enduring the many thorns of internal and external stresses if the relationship is to last.

It may have been a brief love of lust and passion or it may have developed into a deeper affair of the heart over many years before the love could no longer withstand the harsh environment within which it should have flourished.

Perhaps a waking up from a delusional sleep of love describes your situation, maybe a mismatch of values, family and work life, maturity, self-worth, child raising, experiences, parents and money are all in the mix, just to name a few. Maybe you both were unable or unwilling to compromise in meeting each others expectations or you've simply been forgotten. Possibly left lying on the heap til last like some unimportant odd shoelace thrown in a bottom kitchen draw — useful — but never really appreciated, valued, cherished or loved in the way you needed and deserved.

No matter how many times you tried communicating and expressing your emotions about what was wrong and how you felt, it somehow was never quite understood and possibly dismissed with some form of belittlement, lack of seriousness, an undervaluing tactic or one of the many forms of abuse some people have up their sleeves as a form of control.

As you feel your love wilting from the repetitive acts of not being heard or understood, ignored or deliberately stomped on — it can often signal a lack of compassion from this other person and that they care little about you. These types of people do exist and are sometimes difficult to detect, as their wonderful skills of self imagery and ego driven confidence are not always synonymous with the heart felt emotional love and kindness you maybe seeking, so be aware!

Also, be careful you don't become a toy, plaything or form of amusement in someone's game as the time and emotional energy you put into them may just all disappear in a a puff of smoke as some people are just not relationship material.

Whatever the case, when a love dies and is lost, it can be one of the most saddest days we as humans may ever come to experience. However, if you have learnt things about yourself along the way, as sure as cats chase mice a more compatible love will be on the horizon searching for you.

With love, kindness and peace

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    By: Vicky from VIC, Australia on October 8, 2010 @ 10:48 am
    A wonderfully written article Michael yet again, as I could totally relate to it. I felt I was forgotten in the r-ship which eventually caused my emotional connection with my ex to wither and die. It was very sad and have come to realize since then there are 2 types of people - those who really care and those who don't. Definitely won't make the mistake of falling for the type that doesn't care ever again!
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