Avoid being a target (Download)

By Michael Knight

Thursday 22 September 2011

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Relationships are tricky at the best of times as we all would surely agree, however add this to the effects of a torrid Separation and you can be in deep weeds. If you re partner with the wrong type who will take advantage of you whilst in a vulnerable and psychologically fragile state, you may just be exposed to their self serving intentions and ulterior motives that are in their best interests, not yours!

You may think they are there with you however you may just be wrong! They are there for themselves, and only themselves. Always have been and always will be, in all probability.

Unfortunately, due to you reeling from a difficult Separation combined with some naivety, immaturity, a good heart and a kind soul, you can unfortunately leave yourself wide open to those vultures just waiting for an opportunity to prey on a succulent little treat such as yourself, extracting all the tasty juices they can to benefit them, and only them.

Now it might not be their fault, it's just the way they are, just like a leopard can't change his spots and although you can't change that and must accept the way they are, it does not mean it is right for you and you have to settle for second best. However, if you wish to be someone else's favourite meal by all means go right ahead, else heed this wake up call and look after yourself better, and like good ol' Roadrunner does get your running shoes on and get the blazes out of there.

Whether you call these people narcissistic, void of scruples, emotionally lacking, suffering any ability for true love, togetherness or intimacy or are just plain evil, you must keep your radar functional and alert so that warning bells may sound if things don't add up or feel right.

Keep in mind these types are like the jackal in the wild or our favourite Roadrunner enemy — Coyote. They are extremely clever, deceptive and determined to get what they want at all costs. They will roll you in the blink of an eye or over many years until you finally wake up and break free from a captivity that can be almost a fate worse than death at times.

So your mission Jim if you choose to accept it, is to once having been Separated, you are not to rush into another relationship until you have healed, become strong and learned from you past relationship/s, your childhood and gotten to know yourself quite well. Remain alone and get under control your fear of being alone and change your perception to one of enjoyment and seeing that it can be a lovely place to be alone, for a short time at least. Then when the time is right you will attract and find someone who is a truly loving and caring person who nourishes your soul, not extracts the goodness from your giving being at every opportunity and then casts you aside like some dead carcass after having been mauled by a pack of wild dogs.

There a many signs, generally subtle and covert that you will have to pick up if you are to avoid the danger but some are overt such as narcissistic comments like "if you're not working with me, you're working against me". While this may sound harmless on the surface, it does imply their way, and no us or we seems to enter their head, as their subconscious has been programmed for me, me, all about me from some stage in their development. Certainly a trap to be avoided unless you really want to enter into a relationship with a person like that, and yes it is these types of people who are often referred to as not good relationship material.

With love, kindness and peace

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