For the love of God (Download)

By Michael Knight

Thursday 6 October 2011

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Are you feeling sad and lonely inside, all alone having been abandoned and disillusioned from the many people, circumstances and events that have been happening inside of you and around you?

Are your emotions welling up inside and confusion reigning supreme as a myriad of thoughts, crazy and otherwise go swirling around in your head?

Do you have support you can reach out to or is there nobody who you can share a yarn with or story or two, a friendship to feel a close connection with or that someone special to experience the delicacy of intimacy, true honesty and a deep love?

Although God is in your life already whether you are aware of it or not, perhaps it is time for your awareness of God to increase just that little bit more, to help rid you of all those horrible thoughts and emotions that contribute to you feeling more gloomy than cheery once and for all.

Yes, God has always been a touchy issue with some and fair enough too. As people often say, if you want to keep or make friends don't talk about politics or religion although God is neither. Plus God has always been a big topic and the subject of much controversy over the years causing much confusion for many.

Now without forming judgments or being critical of anyone's beliefs, on one hand you have those who have been indoctrinated to believe in some form of God from an early age, those who haven't having possibly an atheist standpoint and those who have found God or allowed this almighty spirit to come into their life at a time that is right for them. Remember, God has given you free will, for better or worse.

Whether you choose to see God through you own eyes, heart, mind and soul and have a personal one on one relationship with God or through the many variations of religions and group themes that may have introduced some filtering and distortion of what God maybe all about, is a matter entirely up to you, hopefully.

With that all said and done it maybe helpful to view God in a very simple and uncomplicated way and that being God is a symbol and the source of all things to all people. Perhaps too simplistic for some, but hey maybe that's ok too.

When you have a one on one personal and intimate relationship with God, no-one else need come into it. From God comes all, and simply works through you. If God is the source of everything, you can be and manifest anything you really desire if done with passion. Of course, this is not to say you always do, just imply that you can.However, as you learn to understand more about the truth of God, the more will you trust and the greater you will gain an unshakable faith and knowing for the love of God.

With love, kindness and peace

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