Mutual Care (Download)

By Michael Knight

Monday 3 September 2012

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When in a relationship and you are neither loved, cared for or valued in any heartfelt way, there is only one real answer — discuss and resolve the issues or it's time to get out!

Without mutual care of each other in a relationship, what do you really have?

... not a whole lot!

Without care in a relationship can there ever be respect? ... I think not.

Without care and respect in the relationship can there ever be a true heartfelt love?

... unfortunately and most likely not.

You may think you are in love, however it is most likely not a real togetherness love, just the real belief and dream of being in love. More a unilateral love that lives in your mind. There is nothing wrong with this except it sets you up for a huge fall when you finally wake and discover the other person you're with isn't in love with you, nor respects or cares about you. Ouchh... it can be a hard fall too!

Are there other caring and loving people who will be more compatible with you if this is what you want? ... Yes, they are out there alright.

But first, get back to caring for and loving yourself making it a No 1 priority!

Once you have nurtured yourself, cleared much of the ills from the past and learnt a little, then and only then will you be ready for another relationship with care, respect, honesty and love as the fundamental ingredients.

Be mindful that there are two individuals in the relationship plus the togetherness part which takes time and plenty of mutual care to nurture, just as you would a child.

The important part to recognize is whether both of you are prepared to make this togetherness a priority over your own individual needs, for if not and you put the relationship and the other person on the bottom of the pile, the relationship will almost certainly be headed down a dead-end street before it starts.

Find someone who has a good heart, who listens, cares and really wants to be together with you, and you just may have found the secret recipe of making all things possible and your dreams come true.

With love, kindness and peace

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