What defines a criminal or thief in the Family Court?
Friday 21 August 2009
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What defines a criminal or thief in the Family Court of Australia?
Is it a court appointed psychologist who charges $4,400 for one(1) days work, that is $2,200 to be payed by each parent?
What about when one parent doesn't wish to waste his or her money on a useless report, but rather put this extravagant amount of money toward the children? Especially in tough economic times.
Tough titties, I'm sure the court says, indicated by their usual response of making orders to cough up the money.
What happens if you are sick and can't make it that day, or are misled into signing consent orders by your lawyer when you are not well and not having the fee disclosed to you?
Well guess what?
Unlike canceling a doctors appointment and re-booking without a cancellation charge, you get an invoice from the psychologist billing you for the whole $4,400. Yes, that's right. You have to pay the other parent's share as well.
Plus you are taken back to court for contempt by the parent who is the applicant, yes the aggressor, only to suffer further costs and consequences, all because you don't wish to partake in a Family Court of Australia activity that reels into these so called public servants a fistful of dollars. What a disgusting element of society we have, and what's more it is a Federal Court.
This was Samantha's (not her real name) plight. She was just a mum. By 'just' I mean she was not a tough business woman or a vicious lawyer versed up on all the legal trickery and bluff tactics they employ to bully innocent mums and dads. She was not aware or strong enough to resist the ferocity and fear invoking deception many of the Family Court professionals employ.
Another case is with a Father called Nick (real name) where this very psychologist had canceled an appointment with him, without any form of prior notification. It was only by Nick ringing the psychologist's office on the morning to confirm the prescribed appointment, when he was informed by the psychologist's secretary "he (psych) couldn't do it". Nick read between the lines taking this to mean he wouldn't do it as there was less than $10,000 available to pay him. However unlike Samantha, Nick was not hit with a double bill, or brought before the court for contempt and other costs.
Clearly, this psychologist and Family Court smacks of hypocrisy and double standards every day save weekends, or possibly no standard at all, except the one that says 'I will only see you if you pay me'. So much for helping families for the good of society.
Plus, what happened to that slogan "What's in the Best Interests of the Child"?
What about the poor children Johnny, Mary and Ellen? (not real names)
Who gets to tell them that $4,400 worth of food, shelter, education, comfort, their livelihood and future was stolen from them, and by a court, who they are to supposedly look up to and worship? Well, like many other victimised children and parents through the legal system, that idea has been on the down and out for 30+ years.
Plus remember, this is only one tiny monetary example of robbery where the children go without.
Does the psychologist, lawyer or judge send a letter of apology to these children explaining why it was in the children's best interest that $4,400 be stolen from them? I don't think so
Do psychologists, lawyers and judges really think that the public believes taking $4,400 away from children is in the child's best interests? I don't think so
I would like a court professional to come out publicly and say it is. For there will be no member of the court or a court jester who will, as it would be like admitting to a crime of theft. The police would have to charge this court appointed psychologist and the judge for making or allowing such an order.
It's fanciful that this Family Court of Australia racket is still going on after almost 34 years.
As for the public, how fooled are they?
Is it fear or complete apathy by the citizens of Australia that they just sit at home being brainwashed and entertained by fictitious legal, police and criminal drama on television, when in the real world, real parents and children are victims to such perpetrators as psychologists in the Family Court of Australia?
If the Chief Judge Dianna Bryant doesn't take full responsibility for the crimes that take place in her court, then she should not only stand down, but be charged accordingly.
Furthermore, the Family Court should be closed down pending a full public inquiry into the dealings of this institution, including evidence from adults and children alike, who has suffered as a result of the court's powers and negligence since it was first opened in 1975.
Perhaps the real question is how long will the public tolerate the constant abuse from this institution that carries on criminal activities under the guise of 'what's in the best interests of the children'.
With love, kindness and peace
For a wonderful website to express and view comments of gratitude visit: www.IamSoGrateful.org
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What you say may just help another so go ahead share, and let us all be enlightened together
In my last comment I got it wrong
The link is
(much on site crimes against fathers)
I wrote 'feminists gender against men' should read 'feminists gender war against men'.
Regards Robert K
Hi All
Thanks for also recognizing the problem in a better and more meaningful light. It is not simply 'the law' because people we employ and trust to comply with the law do not and deliver us something of their own ideological creation. Blokes I know many who try and learn the law from 'what happened' to them are self deluding jackasses. Like our Politicians we complain only look at what we should have been delivered and not what the shithead delivered us. Thus they too avoid the truth in the complaint to them. Other jackasses and protagonists in and protecting the feminist gender against men.
I deal with many fathers and cannot understand them knowing and telling me how they have been cheated and have the cheating shithead sitting on their own self armed bomb that they only have to detonate - via administrative law - but not only don't but won't when offered assistance like I do.
More to be found on
Find also the great article in the Philadelphia Trumpet on The Incredible Shrinking Man on www.the Trumpet.com how - as I have been saying it - the drive of relentless feminists over increasingly weakening men is relegating men and sons into not only second class citizens but into an unnecessary species. To attempt to achieve feminist domination in which families are only 'women and children'. Maybe already in France on this site that 'mother' and 'father' are already redundant words
For the sake of manhood Guys bloody well wake up and become proactive males before it is too late. They already have working artificial sperm and DNA from skin and a high suicide rate of blokes displaced from their families (about 1,600 a year in Australia). Blokes demise is well advanced over the past same 20 years Rip Van Winkle snoozing of our fathers in particular.
Don't think they will not go the full way of Hitlers extermination because they are giving high fives to each other for the success so far.
Robert E Kennedy Coordinator
NT Office Status of Family NT 08 8932 3339
Whilst some things can be truly black & white like setting up better processes to handle separation/divorce and having people stand up and speak out loud against the many ludicrous processes we have, many areas in this human and Separation realm are quite grey and can be complex. Where's Freud when you need him.
Part of the flaw in the human psyche is the ability for many people to unite and co-operate unless death is almost upon them, possibly explaining apathy and the root causes for most of the woes we have in the world today. Guess many of us lack the genetic or environmental conditioning and capacity to always make wise and just decisions for others, even before that of ourselves.
Getting control of ourselves first is most definitely the way to go, as hard as this. Looking deep inside, nurturing the love and peace within is the key.
"We must become the change we want to see in the world." - Gandhi
It is all well and good having and sharing knowledge such as in these topics but it is meaningless unless it is proactively applied to cause remedial change. This knowledge needs to be turned into complaints to the right places as well done as court cases. Blokes just seem not to be able like women to become proactive and network the politicians.
I always leave my phone number for anyone willing to be proactive and get a class action up and running but so far no one wants things changed to the better.
Robert K 08 8932 3339
I don't doubt it for a minute that the CSA and government organisations are overcharging parents just as lawyers do and other unfair revenue measures such as parking/speeding fines. ie. doing 66km/h in a 60km zone. It's an absolute disgrace destroying the fabric of society, not enhancing it!
Any light that can be shed on the best way to deal with injustices lawfully (ie CSA overcharging) is always helpful. Family breakdown can be a tricky and time consuming maze and often deceptive minefield. A rabbit warren for many which is often extremely difficult for parents who are suffering grief, emotional obfuscation and perhaps lack the ability to traverse such processes and cope with delays and costs.
The more information that is revealed about hidden and secret rackets the less ignorant and better prepared people become, with ultimately a better outcome short and long term for kids, family and the community.
It is the same throughout these comments. Folk bleat and bleat on and on about the 'consequences' to them but never never ever raise and identify the 'cause' and by 'whom' it was who caused the victimizing consequences. Never forget any 'wrong doers' can be prosecuted and Public Servants are no exception.
I just do not comprehend why folk simply cop the crap the describe happening to them and not take some action against the offending 'offices' of the 'service provider'. Just as you would not just cop a 'made up' or 'invented' overcharge of an account.
Public Servants particularly work under clear and strong laws and protocols and undertakings are sitting ducks when the obstruct or otherwise interfere with the proper processing of a case.
I will have more to say on this in further responses on this site.
Robert E Kennedy
NT Office Status of Family 08 9832 3339
victim of the divorce courts (they are NOT Family from vic, australia on February 22, 2013 @ 7:27 pm. So lets use the pseudonym of 'knee jerk'. Firstly what a wonderful democracy in Australia when weasels have the freedom to bad mouth someone about something the know nothing about. So here is mine where is yours 'victim of divorce'?
In my divorce and property settlement there were several appeals. One made national news when her male legal aid solicitor was bedding the female judge in whose chambers he prepared our case and she sat on the bench and gave me two thirds of what I contributed. My feminist solicitor told me it was unappealable until the legal community got to know what was happening and she could no longer hide the massive injustice to me and we won the appeal on a perception of bias. After several appeals it emerged the legislation was not the problem but dishonest folk working in the industry. Something knee jerk cannot comprehend and defames me for.
I decreed to do something about it and now it is fifteen years of volunteering behind me. Something knee jerk cannot comprehend and defames me for. After fifteen years of self funded volunteering from my pension one comes to realise what a broke and tight arsed and loud mouthed lot separated fathers are when it comes to NOT doing something to help the cause of themselves. It seems knee jerk is one of them gutless to have a go except against a colleague like me.
I met many fathers and grandparents cheated by the system. I became more and more to realise fathers losses were not by 'the law' but by the workers in the system not complying with the law. To be able to say to the likes of knee jerk one has to work in this area to see new legislation and then how public servants and solicitors and even courts refuse to deliver the laws that The Legislature made. So the likes of knee jerk are only jerks while ever they do not realise laws are delivered by person who are subject to corruption and so rarely do we ever see the law delivered but instead their own personal 'gender ideology'.
In my determination to get change - back to law compliance - I met PM John Howard AG Philip Ruddock and other keen federal politicians like Ken Ticehurst and Alby Schultz nnd David Tollner directly on the issues of us not getting delivered what The Legislature decreed. In such as more equitable share parenting and child support payments according to what The Legislature decreed and not the 'feminist template' public service 'clerks' make up. Ah if only knee jerk and ilk would learn a bit about how our democracy is structured and we are being duped by i ts workers that knee jerk blames as bad law. Nah knee jerk the laws are OK until we are getting them delivered to us wholly as The Legislature intended and not as some upstart working in the system PERSONALLY prefers 'women to win' and fudges the service delivery to suit.
Australian lawyers are the ONLY ones in the entire world protected from being sued for their misconduct. REK is a sanctimonious A. Our family law act (divorce act) is not the world's best !
Robert E Kennedy Coordinator
NT Office Status of Family 08 8932 3339
There is no doubt that the Family Court is a huge money-spinning conglomerate where the only winners are our learned Judicial friends and the associated legal and social money-sucking "social and psychological experts".
The whole system needs to be turned on its head.
Yes I know women are stoked up to believer they will win irrespective and that is true to a certain extent but at an enormous cost to all.
I tell them to recall all of the sacrifices they made to accumulate such as their share in the house and not to now to gift that to solicitors just for a shit fight in the court. Only the solicitors win and win financially every time irrespective. The only losers are the parents who could have agreed between themselves and cost only about $200 each to get their signature on the consent orders countersigned by a solicitor that it was done freely and not under 'unlawful' duress.
But watch the solicitors who say they can get you more. I know of two case the spouses settled and the solicitor persuaded the female hey could get more and it went to court. In each case the court gave what the couples originally agreed. In each case the solicitor bill causes the families to have to remortgage to pay the solicitors. In one case the settlement was $45,000 to the woman but her solicitors bill was $96,000. Greedy women usually both end the marriage and ruin low cost settlement.
To say nothing here about the corruption of the family law act from behind the bench favoring motherhood unlawfully over father hood and ruining joint parenting.
Or Family Law act is worlds best but it is ruined by the workers from the bench down unlawfully ideologically favoring women. All prosecutable is folk would only go the right way about it and do something proactive to restore democracy.
Robert E Kennedy Coordinator
NT Office Status of Family 08 8932 3339
Here's a story: SLC had always been very litigious and had a way of taking events and weaving them together in what seemed to be a very plausible nevertheless fictitious fabric of allegation (often serious). Rest assured the health, safety, happiness and well-being of a child are not compromised in any way. In spite of a very unnecessary, heart-wrenching, and absolute last resort Recovery Order. Concerns were not unfounded, it transpires, and led to uncovering information of that which SLC would have preferred remained hidden. There's a whole other story weighted against SLC in reports re. care and more. Years later, it is sad that SLC still cannot get past her adversarial and vexatious self and look to the future for her child's sake. I'd recommend making moves forward and seeking help other than litigation, for her sake too. One must accept some responsibility in life and not keep endlessly looking for scapegoats to punish or for "fresh" sets of ears to repeat matters long ago dismissed.
Yes, the child's best interests are paramount and always will be.
The law cannot work if the provider of it is dishonest in (a) ignoring the case facts (b) ignoring the legislation (b) or deliberately misalignment of them (c) to cover THE OFFICER evading delivering what The Legislature {law and case facts} decreed. Thus in these matters inevitably by this 'cut and paste' women win and men lose.
There are laws in place to prosecute these corrupt offices and the only thing is no one is focused on (a) the dishonest of the case officer (b) in what way under the 'protection' laws they were unlawful (c) and are not being prosecuted - so why then would they like Neddy Smith change their criminal ways?
Well here too one is covering for the other just as criminally as Neddy while being 'case officers' playing 'obstructionist' and 'combatant' in their 'government employment with Government clients
regards Robert
Do you really think if you had a strong case that you would not find legal support of any kind? Do you really think that an ICL would support giving a child or children into the care of a parent likely to cause harm? You cannot "hoodwink", "charm" or "influence" a judge in any way!!!!!!!
Their decisions and judgements are solely based on evidence presented and what is in the "best interests of the child". Like it or not. The Family Law Courts may be pedantic and frustrating, however it needs to rely on HARD EVIDENCE PRESENTED BEFORE IT in order to make any kind of decision. I, for one would not like to be in the shoes of any of our Family Court Judges or Magistrates in making the extremely difficult decisions they make on a day to day basis, given the facts before them and the parameters of the law (not to mention the consequences of their rulings).Should you want to stay out of the traumatic system that is our Family Law Courts and spare children the agony of decisions handed down by our learned judges, I suggest you stay sweet with your "ex/s" and sort it out yourselves! Just remember, none of us is perfect, or born a perfect parent. We are all individuals and contribute to that which shapes our children in their development for the future.
Do it for them,
I have finally had a response from GILLARD government who have placed it in the office of Pru Gowar MP for Eucation. At the time when R...... was taken one of contacts I made was Pru Gowards office in Bowral. This was 10 minutes from where I was residing and although never meeting her personally. Now the GILLARD Government have sent me a letter telling me tha PRU GOWARD will be following through as to why the Bowral Police were able to put R...... in a paddy van. WHO OR WHAT DOES THE GILLARD THINK I AM ...... To place a matter into an office that has a person that it totally ivolved with this from the begining to expect me to believe that all efforts will be taken to locate my daughter. I hardly believe for 1 second that all assistace will be provided. However what I do believe is that GOWARD will do everything possible to hide the fact that her immediate action would have prevented the long term sexual, physical and emotional abuse of my daughter R...... who is now 14 years of age. I still have not been provided with the legislation on Children's Rights in Australia of which I have bee asking the Goverment now for almost 2 years. Enough is enough GILLARD PLEASE EXPLAN ........ from Sharron in Queensland.
I have been looking outside the box and into a triangle but I am having technical difficulties finding a law firm to play ball or find the right forms to file.
Thank you for the website link
I will continue my seach for JUSTICE and your experiences help me to oontinue this.
GOD bless you and your family.
Kind regards
Perhaps also tap into the huge power of being grateful
visit: www.IamSoGrateful.org
God bless!
I have sent over 40 emails to different avenues for legal assistance through legal aid, pro bono, website for solicitors etc ec. I am depleted in keystrokes as to the amount of typing I have done. However on the upside I WILL MAKE A DIFFERENCE for my daughter R...... and the long term MUCH NEEDED CHANGE IN THE LEGAL SYSTEM IN REGADS TO FEDERAL WARRANTS FOR ARREST.
I still do not have a confirmed copy of the RECOVERY ORDER that R...... was taken under. HOW UNUSAL IS THIS. no one can find it and it has been over 16 months.
Just gettig back to basics even the Legal Aid Commission are not able to establish a MEDIATION BY TELEPHONE and nobody knows where J..... is living or what school R...... is going to.
This is not rocket science but the basis fundamentals of common sense
I still not have anybody that can provide me with any legislation as to the current age a child has a say i legal proceedings.
I KNOW A SMOKE SCREEN when I see one. I am only asking from the court system for the basic fundamentals of our CURRENT LEGISLATION IN THE FEDERAL MAGISTRATES COURT this is seperate from the FAMILY LAW COURT as the Judges deal day in day out with these matters.
I had thought by now through my endeavours to seek legal assistance that Legal Ad would provide me with a solicitor but there is a ERROR in the processing system that if you have a FEDERAL WARRANT FOR YOUR ARREST YOU ARE DENIED LEGAL AID ON A MERRIT BASIS.
I still do not have anyone in Parliament to RESPOND to this. I still do not have anyone in Government that can respond to the unlawfull attack by the police officer on me and the fact that two male police officers took R...... under a piece of paper that no one and provide me.
The Department of Child Safety stil do not have any responsibility to look where R...... is living and her health safety and welfare.
This matter has stretched every muscle I have to find an explanation as to WHY this has no one assisting me in the safety, welfare and education of R.......
I hope that by posting this blog that someone will provide another avenue for me to ensure R......'s. I have faith in God that soon this situation will come to a resolution that R......'s needs are considered and not just the legal system.
I know that my endeavous will change legislation I just hope my daughter is safe and tha she knows that I love her to the moon and the stars 100 billion times over and that Jessie is also wanting to give you a snuggle cuddle. Through expressing my expressions I hope that a Solicitor will see that my case has fallen off the rails not by me put by paperwork and that for every family reform needs to happen and this is an immediate start to the process.
Every family in Australia has a story this is a grey area in mine but positve energy is what makes change.
Sharron from Queensland
A good lawyer can cut through the bullshit and red tape with results sometimes far better than a parent, especially when the case goes off the rails.
Be careful not to waste your energy by scattering your energy outside this task, for it well mostly be futile. By all means get some strong support to help you emotionally and build your networks to strengthen your position. Keep strong and positive, as this is possibly very hard for you atm. Try to keep away from the justice and system issues for the time being as this will only deplete your energy, time and life, for it is a black hole that will ultimately consume your life, if you let it. :)
I have been searching the internet for confirmation of the legal age for children to make their own opinion in relation to which parent we would like to live with and I keep getting different webpages.
Why is our Federal Government keeping this informaton away from us as parents????
Why is it not mandatory for this information to be given to us as parents???
The changes currently in the Family Law Courts are asking parents to attend councelling before going to court. Thats great. I am sure that my unfortunate road into this paper warfare has made someone behind a Government desk take notice of how many trees could have been saved if the common sense approach was adapated in the initial stages of my court case.
Like the elephant I am strong and do remember all the effort I have made to ensure that my daughter was not dragged through the mud.
BUT when the court gets a hold of children emotions run high and we want to protect our children but the court and the solicitors profit from those many years that a case stays in court and in my situation it has been 6 years. THAT IS 6 years of my daughte's life that is being torn into pieces as the words NO STOP I WANT THIS MATTER DISMISSED FROM COURT AND HELD IN MEDITION is not being read or listened to by the COURT SYSTEM.
The other difficulty I have had is finding any legal centres who really know what is going on in our current court system. The access to legal aid needs a major overhaul to ensure that allocation of solicitors is manadatory when a child is in immediate danager of harm of abuse whether it is sexual, physical or emotional all three effect the long term develoment of our children and they are the most precious gifts from GOD that need protecting.
I pray that all my efforts in ensuring my daughter is returned safely to me that the damage the court has impacted on her life will heal
My daughter never should have suffered the experienceof being placed in a paddy van wearing a tinkerbell nightie and treated like a criminal. THIS IS SOMETHING I WILL ENSURE THE COURT pays for their INJUSTICE. regards Sharron
The other main concern I would like to put out to everyone is to take note of any cars outside your home as you might be under surveilance and phone calls when people hang up and say nothing along with people asking for information about your personal details or a company ringing as a courtesy calls. I have also had my computer emails tapped into off the server before I read them and on numberous occassions over the last 7 years have had this happen. D.... was doing to this people when I lived with him. I now have to instigate criminal charges against D.... for this breech of my privacy. The most disturbing is our police force don't care and I have had to take it to a much higher level.
The other thing I would like to make everyone aware of if you suspect child abuse by your wife or husband or partner to a child PLEASE MAKE A REPORT TO Department of Child Safety and in my circumstances I took my daughter to our local regular doctor and her pedetrician WHO SHOULD HAVE MANDATORY reported the abuse of R...... after a Court Order that I had to instigate for 2 months whilst I went into hospital. The trauma my daughter went through during those 2 months SHOULD HAVE CEASED ANY CONTACT THAT D.... OR HIS MOTHER to have contact with R....... I won't go into detail about the abuse that is on record with the doctors and Department of Child Safety. However, just today I am attempting to get that information which I have been chassing through our GOVERNMENT SYSTEM for the last 15 months. My reason is putting this out there for mums and dads that suspect child abuse in contact visits to make a report to the the child services and ensure that your DOCTORS ALSO. regards Sharron keep on looking after our chldren they are our future and deserve to have their own words heard by the court system.
Thank you for taking the time to read my comments in relation to my case. Your heartfelt comments from a mans point of view is appreciated. The calious way that D.... instigated this after having no contact with R...... for 4 years makes by blood boil. You are honest with our court system and I like your comments I actually feel that HALLIGAN gets pleasure out of handing down a death sentenance. In relation to common sense is exactly how I feel and telling the truth does not get the court proceeding over and done with so we can get back to raising our children. It is a game to these Judges. The wisdom to see deep inside the Family Court House of Cards. I can only imagine your frustration of a 5 day trial and the effects that it had on your children. Your daughter is 14 and intuative to respect you and your son at 11 are still children but they are sensitive knowing how much you love them. I cannot belive that you were not given custody of your children. They have expressed in the 4 psychologist reports that they want to be with you. It is this resitment that the Court dictates rules and regulations and irrational court decisions based on what they want to do and ignore our children. They are not values and our childrens rights are being burried and that is not healthy. I truly feel for your children as you write about the tears and hurt in their eyes was shocking as you told them of the courts decision. I go to sleep each night remembering the fear and horror in R......'s eyes and her voice telling the police that she did not want to go she wanted to stay with me, mum over and over again. Even our collie dog Jessie was barking at the police as they took her wearing a tinkerbell nightie to a paddy van and locked her in their for an hour. They could hear the tears in R......'s voice. WHAT SOUGHT OF FATHER IS D.... TO ALLOW THIS TO HAPPEN TO HIS CHILD. HE KNEW EXACTLY WHAT HE WAS DOING THAT IS NOT LOVE THAT IS CONTROL. I can fully understand your comments that the failure you felt at not being able to protect your childrens wishes almost killed you. I FELT EXACTLY THE SAME. I await the dawn as my darkest hour is around 7pm when I normally start cooking dinner for us after taking Jessie our dog for a walk with R...... . I have always been an outgoing person always helping others in need I was being used. I am glad that your daughter did walk home as that shows her true feelings of appreciating that you are a loving dad.My only difficulty is I don't know where R...... is living or the school she is attending not even a phone number and my daughter has F....... S....... and is not aware that I am even alive. I do belive that our children make their own decisions and this should be RESPECTED by the court and you are right NO COURT IN THE LAND OF OZ or anywhere for that matter can be stronger than human will. Take Care Sharron
Do as I say and when I say is the legal system mantra. Give me the money when I say and how much I say, or else!
Once becoming an applicant or defendant, you are in the the system and must hold on tight as you traverse the ups and downs, delays and merry go round ride. Even if you want to get off the ride or out of the fun house it can be very difficult and may cause you to be penalised and lose something.
If you try and speak up, enforce your rights as a self litigant or act against their racket in any way, you will feel the hand of injustice slap you down, especially having unjust costs thrown at you, or warrants and police involvement like with you.
You are made to feel like a criminal just for protecting your children.
The real problem however, isn't with the courts, it's with us.
It's our belief that common sense, fairness and what's just will prevail in these cold crematorium type places, and that the so called bad parent will be exposed, punished or simply not pandered to like some child seeking attention. Even if they hide behind high paid lawyers and waste all the family assets on supporting their habit or need to be right and get their way no matter what the costs are to others, in turn whittling away our kid's well-being, futures and security.
We often originally hold the belief that telling the truth would be enough, it would be believed and stand for something. Silly us. When we learn that lesson and that it's not about the truth but in fact a game, we start to wake up.
People have been brainwashed for too long to think that these institutions are sanctimonious. Unfortunately not, which is confusing to see at first as everything is a bit backwards and upside down until you obtain the wisdom to see deep into the Family Court House of Cards.
On a serious note, your daughter is 14. She can go where she likes. My daughter was 14 and son 11 when the mother won custody after a 5 day trial in the Family Court, despite the wishes of both my daughter and son saying they always wanted to live with Dad, indicated in 4 psychologist reports. The tears and hurt in their eyes was shocking as I told them of the court's decision and had to deliver them to a place where they did not want to go. The failure I felt at not being able to protect their wishes almost killed me.
But life will teach you it gets darkest before dawn.
However, despite Court Orders, 8 months later my son(11) started running away to my home wanting to live with me. My son's urgency was exacerbated by his mother thwarting and denying contact with me. After all I had been the primary carer for 3 years before the sham 5 day trial. Although the mother didn't want to realise our son's wishes for his best interest ahead of her own, she wouldn't allow this and used the system to do her fighting, for which it did. 9 months after the custody change when my daughter was almost 15 she finally left her mother's house and came home to Dad. She walked with her feet. And that's about as simple as it gets.
When a child is mature enough to make those sorts of decisions and act upon them, whatever age they are, they are ready to live where they like and no court in the land of Oz or anywhere for that matter can be stronger than the human will.
This one act of revenge in the court system then allows the local Police in any state of Australia to go to your home and ARREST YOU. You do not get given any rights before they arrest you nor do you get the opportunity to make a phone call either at your home, police station or court house. In my case this happened in MOSS VALE, NSW and you are detained. In my situation the local court house had no idea what to do and had told me that I may need to spend the night in the cells in Moss Vale. At the time my daughter who was 8 years of age was at school and I had no way to let the school know that I had been arrested. To cut a long story short when the matter did go before a Federal Magistrate in Brisbane the father D.... was appearing by telephone whilst driving his car with several other people in the car. The Judge KEVIN LAPTHORN was becomming very aware that D.... was using the court system to create stress and a legal battle based on harrasment and spite. Remmbering in all of this I never took any child support for 8 years although I was entitled to it nor did I go for a property settlement although I was entitled to it. When the Judge read through the options of the alleged offence he started with Option 1 for me to attend a post seperation appointment at Relationships Australia or Option 6 to IMPRISSION ME FOR 12 MONTHS. D.... choose OPTION 6 however the JUDGE, God bless his soul choose OPTION 1. It has been my unfortunate luck that the matter was heard by in the beginning by F/M RIMMER now disbared from the Federal Magistrates Court snd Judge HALLIGAN whom no law firm in NSW wanted to assist me in my second Federal Warrant for my Arrest as he always favours MEN.
I have added these details as IMMEDIATE changes need to be made to the FAMILY LAW ACT 1975 that in the event a parent files false allegations in the Court they should face CRIMINAL charges for PERJURY. The tax payers and our CHILDREN are suffering as a result of an antiquated legal system built on ENGLISH Law and running under an AMERICAN system with AUSTRALIAN Government blocking reforms that urgenty need to our Family Law system. THIS HAS BEEN GOING ON FOR FAR TOO LONG and reform needs implementing for the safety of our children. Regards Sharron
no chance he will go poor! whenever he needs more cash, he just has to recall those 3 kids for another $4,400.
Now where's that dictionary? I have to look up the meaning of 'due process'.