Oh Lord hear me, Oh Lord be near me (Download)

By Michael Knight

Monday 5 April 2010

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Are you sometimes crying out with immeasurable pain, dealing with losses and forces beyond your control? Just can't seem to get your life working? Changes that appear to be overwhelming and perhaps unfair, with nowhere to turn and no one in sight to help?

It can be a horrible experience when you feel all alone and powerless as your life appears to crumble down around you, no matter how hard you try and keep things together. However, sure enough as those fortified 'Walls of Jericho' came crashing down, so will your life inevitably need to go through some serious changes, so best not to resist but to prepare.

Tapping into some much needed strength and resources will be the order of the day however, there is nothing to fear because the Lord is here with you. This will be your main source of strength and power when no one else is around or can help.

To download a longer version (3.11 mins) Click Here or obtain the full version (8.30 mins) of this beautiful song Which part is mine? performed by Felicia Sorensen and written by Michael McLean

Overcoming tremendous forces will often require reaching deep down into your soul for strength and the answers you need. Together with faith in the Lord and yourself that you are doing the right thing by your children, you will overcome the many insurmountable odds that may be set before you.

Some battles in life are arduous and extremely testing on one's strength and courage. Confrontations with your ex, the system and your daily struggles to maintain some form of life can leave you zapped of energy and struck down for days, weeks or months. Rebuilding your life thereafter can also take it's toll as the aftershock reverberates in your mind for many years as you slowly carve out a new existence after having your castle leveled to the ground.

If your connection with the Lord feels strange or strained, it is most likely because you have drifted from him temporarily. Have faith in him and yourself and over time the bonds will be renewed.

As you cry out in pain to the Lord, he will hear you and will always be near you. Conversations with the Lord may seem weird at first, possibly bordering on insanity, however it is a bridge you must first cross.

As you drift between the two worlds, one of knowledge and the other illusion, you must ask yourself where you would rather be.

Oh Lord hear me, Oh Lord be near me, Oh Lord please forgive me, Oh Lord please answer me.

As you lay down to sleep and rest your weary head, hand all your problems over to the Lord, while ye go play and be free.

Oh Lord hear me, Oh Lord be near me.

With love, kindness and peace

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Which part is mine by Felicia Sorensen

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    By: Dianne from Victoria, Australia on April 16, 2010 @ 9:37 am
    Lovely music as it sprung up while i was reading. Always a very enjoyable topic. thank you
    By: BEN ADAMS from QLD, AUSTRALIA on April 7, 2010 @ 9:21 am
    Like the music. Related to this story alright. God is an important part in my life and have needed him many times throughout my divorce. I have nearly tossed in the towel a few times let me tell you. I recommend God to everyone...Cheers
    By: Linda from Victoria, Australia on April 7, 2010 @ 2:41 am
    Yes what a glorious article and theme song. It brought a tear to my eye. I downloaded the longer version and really like it. Will contact you regarding full version. thank you
    By: cathy from Victoria, Australia on April 6, 2010 @ 9:15 am
    Beautiful words and lovely lyrics, very appropriate comments for easter.
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