Keeping love in your heart (Download)

By Michael Knight

Tuesday 16 August 2011

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So often in post relationship discussions one hears people say "I don't love him (or her) anymore".

The question one often wonders and always begging to be asked is 'what does this really mean?'

Is it a simple black and white answer demonstrating there is absolutely no further connection in their heart and mind for their Ex or are their true feelings and meanings buried below this protective type response?

Whether this is through deep pain and shutting the door tight on their feelings, at least for now, or a much deeper unconscious set of issues having possibly derailed the relationship and precipitating the breakdown. In many cases it's often hard to tell as you can't really get behind another's eyeballs and be privy to the inner workings of their mind and the games they play, regardless of what story emanates from their lips.

When probed the replies vary widely from a shallow response of shrugging shoulders to a cold and almost heartless response reinforcing their initial answer of I just don't love him or her.

So where did the love go I would enquire?

While some are willing to delve into this issue of love like a curious child eager to learn more, others are closed to any deeper discussion. Interesting and yet indicative of the fact that hurt still lingers, as does love in their heart and soul no doubt, which is surely a good thing at the end of the day. So nourish the love in your heart whenever you can.

Whilst the hurt, shock and loss can be a terrible thing triggering all sorts of responses, losing the love from your heart and becoming bitter, apart from some outpouring of emotions, will be a more ghastly cost to pay if you attempt to separate yourself from this pain, as opposed to feeling , acknowledging and allowing it to dissipate when it needs to. By denying and burying your pain you may just be losing yourself and your fine human qualities, including losing that love from your heart — a part of you I'm positive you would rather not lose or have die, ever!

For love is what you are, your unique signature in this human realm. It's your reason for living and being all that you are and can be. For without love, what would you really have left? Who would you be? Would love return?

Of course, people have different interpretations of love with many values attached, hence it is difficult to discuss any one specific type of love. Although the concept of love can be simple, it's often an individual and personal thing with many complexities.

However, no matter what state you are in, we as people long for love, craving for it in so many ways through both giving and receiving, whether you are aware of it or not. Love in it's many forms is as vital for your survival just as oxygen is. The more you have felt and been touched by love, the more somehow you can't seem to function without it. For a life without love seems to be no life at all.

As Shakespeare put it, "To thine own self be true", with I believe part of this truth being to acknowledge yourself as love. If you can ever master the art of love, then perhaps you will have mastered the art of thyself and life. So keep love in your heart throughout not only the good times of your relationships, but when they come to a close and get messy.

Losing everything materialistically is no comparison to losing the love in your heart, your feelings and yourself.

With love, kindness and peace

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