Persistence & Endurance (Download)

By Michael Knight

Monday 3 October 2011

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"First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win."
- Mahatma Gandhi

As many of you know who navigate the harsh rapids of Separation and Divorce and how 'Topsy Turvy' life can become, if there is one great piece of advice to be passed around, and that is of persistence and endurance.

Just like running a long distance marathon of Olympic proportions, a Separation and your particular circumstances may make some heavy demands upon you so be ready for a bit of a slide here and there, just like with stock prices some times.

When the chips are down and things are getting pretty damn bad, simply persist in telling yourself to you can get through this. It may take some time, I will get some support along the way but I can do this. No matter what hits you, just duck if you can and brush it off to the side, reminding yourself that this is a test of endurance and it won't last forever. Those who can endure wins their race of life.

Just like stock and property market crashes and downturn in businesses and employment, things hurt for awhile and can be pretty grim, however as history has shown most things come good over time, it's just a matter of riding out the storm. It often requires a new shift in thinking and a new direction perhaps to see those sunny bright days once again where you can really smell the roses.

So while you might lose a few things here and there in the short term, it will never justify or
be worth losing your mind or a person's life in the long term. Better still, decide to give things away so they won't be seen as a loss, more as a gift which can only be regarded as a gain for others as well as yourself.

Be fair and do what's right. When anything is in dispute, let it go if you can, for on the upside you will be better for it and minimise the time you will have to persist and endure those negative times. Before you know it, having hit rock bottom in any or many areas of your life, things can all of a sudden start turning around and become very sweet. So much so, you will wonder where all those superb feelings of happiness and contentment were hiding out.

With love, kindness and peace

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