Those new feelings of love (Download)

By Michael Knight

Friday 20 July 2012

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After breaking up from someone you really loved, the state you enter may almost feel like hell or visiting another world quite different to the one you have been used to.

Depending on the severity of the shock to your system, your body and mind in a bid to protect itself, may transgress into another world — one of denial, confusion, anger and a host of other mixed emotions and states until those days of acceptance and moving forward seem to get more frequent and easier to deal with.

The thing to note here is how long a period do you want to be out of action for, as that is essentially what happens. For some length of time you can be immobilised, dysfunctional and not living life to the fullest. Sad? Yes very sad alright, but that's what happens to usually the sensitive and loving souls on the planet as they do their best to make adjustments and deal with the grief that has covered their life like some black cloud raining teardrops of pain.

However, as life has a finite time of unknown duration, is it wise to let your life seep away to nothing? Of course not, well at least not for too long. Sure, you are not some heartless robot without feelings and will need some downtime to analyze things for a bit and heal some, however the best cure for your revival is to accept your decisions and that of others, and what you can control, and put new sources of love and gratitude into your life.

So what may these new sources be?

Well, the real secret to life is being grateful for and loving absolute anything and everything.

WOW! That may take some getting used to I know — however try it for 30 days and see how you feel!

Furthermore, you just may experience some unbelievable things happening during this time and after that words can simply not describe, including the love you have always sought walking in through your front door.

You have the power — so choose to live again!

With love, kindness and peace

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