A distorted view of the opposite sex

By Michael Knight

Saturday 29 August 2009

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After coming through a Separation and especially a nasty split, you are perhaps feeling a bit sick or a hatred toward the opposite sex. This somewhat distorted view of the other sex is possibly natural as the hurt, pain and confusion may cause you to disassociate from them all, as a sort of protective mechanism, at least until you regain some power, confidence and freedom from being vulnerable and under attack.

Perhaps use this time alone for introspection to fix yourself up and work out to the best of your knowledge and experiences what you do and don't want from a future companion and relationship. Keeping in mind no two people will really ever be the same.

You will also come to learn or remember that others of the opposite sex will not necessarily exhibit the personal traits of your ex. Whilst there are certain codes amongst each gender causing them to show similarities or even stick together, most people are still individuals with different experiences, values and views to your ex. This fact alone presents you with hope that there is a lovely person out there in the wild blue yonder, just waiting to meet you, and possibly fall in love with you, yes you.

So when you are ready do yourself a big favour and gradually open yourself up to members of the opposite sex and see them as beautiful and loving people with their own set of unique markings and tales. In time you will become strong and self assured again, having faith that as time goes by, you will make better decisions about the relationships you may enter into.

Allow yourself to give and love plentiful, unconditionally when and where you can, for as day follows night good will come back to you in ways that you would never have imagined.

Don't isolate yourself, suffer a loneliness without love and companionship. Forgive others and yourself, for only then will you have emptied the poison to make room for a new love. For without love there can be no peace, and for without peace there is nothing.

With love, kindness and peace

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    By: Andrew Knight from QLD, Australia on September 15, 2009 @ 8:27 am
    Love is always around us, unfortunately others often put pressure on us, keeping us under the grinder and not allowing us to be free and open which in turn, doesn't enable us to see that love is everywhere. How do we keep strong within ourselves and keep the sharks at the bottom of ocean all at the same time?
    By: Prince Ruprat from VIC, Oz on August 30, 2009 @ 12:00 am
    Na, love the opposite sex guv, unless they're dreadful dykey divorce solicitors. Yuk. Pass the sick bag, please.
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