Forgiveness (Audio)

By Michael Knight

Saturday 27 February 2010

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"The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong." - Mahatma Gandhi

Unlocking your mental anguish and making peace with yourself and others is where the real path of recovery begins. The secret is imbibed in the power of forgiveness.

Some people refer to forgiveness as a form of letting go, however others may know it as a step in overcoming your Separation with God and reuniting.

You may not have given it much thought up until now, however I'm sure you have practiced forgiveness many times, maybe just for little and everyday things. It's not a new concept as you have no doubt accepted a person's apology before, just as people have accepted you being sorry for some wrongdoing. Either way I'm sure it made you and others feel better, if it was conveyed with heart felt sincerity. If you are an empathetic person or parent, need anymore be said.

Throughout the Separation process some self analysis is usually desirable if you wish to embark on a path of self discovery and heal your wounds. Understanding and taking responsibility why the marriage or relationship went pear shaped may see your way to forgiving others. It's not an easy task and will not only help you move forward and feel better about life, it just may open a whole world of knowing something better that you previously could not see.

Separation, through it's wonderful opportunity to heal your life, just may unravel the answers to the many questions of what you are really here for. Washing away all your sins from the past, your grudges, angst and resentment toward people, seeking forgiveness from god, your children, parents, family and ex, will play a vital role in ensuring your eternal freedom.

On your quest it is useful to draw on both science and theology to steer you away from the illusion of despair toward a life of greater gifts for you and all. The message to be understood is that you are a good person, you are worthy of all good things in life with total enjoyment being intended for you. Do what you have to in order that this be implanted in your mind, for it is a seed that will grow into a fruitful tree of inner happiness.

"I came that you may have and enjoy life and have it in abundance, until it overflows."
— John 10:10

Whilst you may not be a believer in the good Lord or bible, perhaps cursed with the dreaded perception of pain and cynicism, you may however find your way to having faith in the scriptures having lasted for thousands and thousands of years. Clearly withstanding the test of time, it must give rise to being scientifically sound for you to follow, as it does for others who are enjoying the mouth watering fruits of humanity this very day.

Seeking forgiveness is a necessary lesson and a humbling one you will learn to be eternally grateful for. It may take some courage, a desire and real willingness to give up this life of misery, pain, guilt, and even death however this change is what must be done.

You must give up the notion that this world is bad and you must suffer. Just as Jesus suffered the peril of torture, his hands and feet bound upon a cross that saw his body to death, Jesus was resurrected and so must you be. Forgive others, although they maybe cruel to you, for they maybe blinded and unaware of what they do.

"Then Jesus said, 'Father forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.'"
— Luke 23:34

Jesus died that he may save humanity. Through forgiveness you will save yourself and others and not let Jesus' death be in vain.

Background music is by The Peter Thomas Orchestra from the movie Chariots of the Gods by Erich Von Daniken.

With love, kindness and peace

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